
Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal

1332 Piazza San Marco, 30124 Venezia

Venezia, Veneto, IT, 30124

“Innovative models for the promotion of the arts in the African Continent” new models for the promotion of the arts which have risen in African countries, and have successfully impacted new public and social strata, or created momentum in the local art scene.

Moderated by: Osei Bonsu, Curator

With: Sindika Dokolo, (in the photo) founder at Fundação Sindika Dokolo, Luanda, Angola, Zeitz MoCAA, Cape Town, South Africa

Where: Institutional Auditorium 

Useful information:

The African Art in Venice Forum is held in two Auditoriums in the same venue, Hotel
Monaco, Piazza San Marco 1332, 30124 Venezia. Entrance from Calle del Ridotto.

The Institutional Auditorium, “Corte” room, and the Artists Auditorium, “Vallaresso” room, are accessible from two different staircases. The African Art in Venice Team, will be waiting for you at the entrance of the Venue.

The program of the two Auditoriums is organized in sections that look at how the African art scene relates to the world, to itself, and to the cross-border tool of the web. The program of the Artists Auditorium will look at how artists interact with their communities and the broader African and global art scene, and will also highlight the current rise of performance practices, new feminist narratives, as well as activism amongst young creatives on the continent.

“Outlook” section
Africa outside of Africa, how African art scene relates to the global one

“Within & Without” section
The diversity of art ecosystems in the African continent, organizations, events and artists

“.org” section
Digital platforms for the promotion of the arts in Africa. Not for profit organizations, art education and social development.